Field Hockey Drills - Shooting
Shooting drills for higher efficiency in the attacking game
Shooting drills for higher efficiency in the attacking game Your team can be faster, smarter and tactically more versatile than your opponent, if they fail to score then your team won't come out on top regardless of their skills. Shooting drills, with all different techniques, such as drives, push passes, slap shots, flicks and scoops, will help your players to always find the right answer when they are dribbling towards the opposing goalkeeper. Most professional field hockey teams practice their scoring ability so much, that shooting drills can make up to 75% of their training sessions in one form or the other. And there is a good reason for that. With all the techniques involved in shooting successfully it is important to get a high number of repetitions in each training session, as this is the only way to improve.
If your players are still learning the basics of a certain shooting technique, it is important that they start with the easiest setting - That mean's just shooting, no pressure, no opponents and most of the times also no goalkeeper. If they are learning to drive the ball they should learn to focus on their hand placement and a swift backswing first, before worrying about opponents and so on. Especially techniques like Flicks, which are quick shots where the head of the stick needs to be tilted at an angle to get underneath the ball before the wrist is flicked, need to be practiced over and over again before they can be performed on repeat during game situations. Our training drills have been designed by sports scientists and will help you to get the most out of your teams.
Inside our field hockey coaching app, you can use those drills and add them to your upcoming session plan. Don't wait and start optimizing your training now!
1 versus 1 - Shot on goal after through pass
Set Up:
Have a look at the exercise drawing to see how to set up this simple but efficient drill. Both stations (A&B) should be set up at the 23m line. Your player will line up on those two stations. 1 pass player or the coach lines up in the middle with a good amount of balls - The goalie lines up inside the goal.
The pass player, or coach for that matter, starts the drill with a through pass to the middle of both stations. The first players of station A&B run towards the ball. Whoever gains possession of the ball is the attacker, the other player becomes the defender in this 1 on 1 situation. The attacking player tries to finish the attack as quick as possible, with a shooting technique of his choice (Driver, Flick, Slap Shot, Push Pass or Scoops). The rotation is as follows: Players stay within their group. Groups change sites every 10 passes. This allows for a great practice competition: Each goal scores a point. Which team reaches 7 points first?
Shot on goal after dribbling - Baseline attack
Set Up:
Have a view at our drawing to see the set up of this drill. Station A1 & A2 are set up by using 4 cones per station. They are both set up in a curved line from the dotted line to the baseline. For station B a cone is placed on the middle of the dotted line. Balls are given to the players at station A1&2 - Players line up evenly at all 3 stations - Goalie lines up in the goal.
The first player at A1 starts the drill by dribbling along the cones, in a right curve, to the baseline. As soon as the pass player (A1) has reached the last cone, player B starts running towards the penalty spot. The pass player plays a precise pass to the approaching player B. B finishes the attack against the goalie with an appropriate shooting technique - Right after player A2 starts his dribble, in a left curve. The rotation for this drill is as follow: A1 -> B -> A2 -> A1 ..etc.
Shooting Drill on two goals
Set Up:
Set up station L & R on the side of the shooting circle. Two goals are then set up opposite of each other - one on the baseline, the other on the shooting circle. One pass player with balls to each station L&R. An attacking player (A) lines up in the middle of the drill. One goalie in each goal.
This drill aims at improving the attacking player's decision making and shooting skills. The pass players L & R pass one by one to the waiting attacker A. A receives the ball, controls it and finishes on one of the two goals. After 5 shots it's the next player's turn. This leaves the option for a fun competition: Who scores the most goals in 3 rounds? There is also plenty of opportunities for variations of this drill. For one you can let the goalkeepers decide which goal the attacking player needs to shoot on. This will challenge the players reaction skills as well as his anticipation and concentration ability. Another option is to vary the passing positions, for example set up the station at the baseline or more to the side. For more variations see the drill in our coaching app!
Drag Flick – Shot on goal after cross
Set Up:
To set up this drill, start by using two cones to set up station A in the right side of the field close to the 23m line. Set up station B with one cone in the left side of the field approx. 5m in front of 23m line. Lay down a short pole or stick between both those stations. The players line up at both stations - Balls go to station A. As always the Goalie lines up inside the goal
Player A starts the drill by leading/dribbling the ball from the first to the second cone. When he reaches the second cone he crosses the ball over the pole/stick to Player B - Passing technique: drag flick. Player B receives the ball and leads/dribble to the shooting circle and finishes in a 1 versus 1 against the goalie. Rotation: A -> B -> A etc. For variations and an animation of the drill click on the link below.